Frenchton puppies available! We have a litter of 7. Mom is black with tan points 3/4 Frenchie and dad is an AKC blue Boston Terrier. They were born on December 19th and will be ready to go home after they are 8 weeks (mid February).
They have been to the vet for initial checks and dew claws. They will go back at 6-7 weeks for final vet check and first set of vaccinations. Pups are raised in our home with our kids. They are socialized and loved on everyday.
We have 4 girls and 3 boys available.
Blue females x2: $1500,
Blk/wht brindle females x2: $1200,
Blk/wht male: $1200,
Tan male: $1200,
Blue male: $1200.
Call or text 208-724-8697.