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All listings for: offthewahlbulldogs

Photo Title
City Price
Browning X-Bolt long range chambered in 300 PRC

Browning x-bolt long range spr chambered in 300 PRC. Recoil hawg muzzle break. 22 inch barrel adjustable comb. 60 degree bolt throw. Great gun, just...

Middleton $750
AKC Chocolate Lab

Offering this gorgeous boy for stud services. Fee, or 2nd pick puppy inlieu of stud fee.

Middleton $500
AKC Bulldog Stud services

Offering for stud services Off The Wahl’s Richter. He is a Blue Tri that Carrie’s chocolate, so can produce any color for you. Richter is health tes...

Middleton $1,000
AKC English Bulldog Chocolate Tweed Merle

Off The Wahl Bulldogs is offering Off The Wahl’s Otis for use as a stud. This boy is short and stocky. Offering fee, or 2nd pick puppy inlieu of a f...

Middleton $1,000